Dr Ralph Ryback

Treatment services available:

1. Insurance coverage. The Mindful Health Foundation staff provides the following services which are covered under most insurance plans. Outpatient eating disorder treatment. Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment. Intensive outpatient programs. Day treatment programs. Family therapy. Marriage counseling. Psychological assessment. Group cognitive behavioral therapy. Group dialectical behavioral therapy. Court related assessments. Nutritional therapy. Art therapy. Body image therapy. Dance and movement therapy.

2. Modified concierge psychiatric care provided by Ralph Ryback, MD. This is available for no more than 30 patients per year who have complex psychiatric related problems that have not been ameliorated or resolved by previous treatments or programs. The above noted services are also available to the mindful health foundation. Dr. Ryback provides a problem solving holistic functional approach. This involves investigating many different dimensions of the patient in order to find possible underlying contributing causes to the patient's poor functioning/illness. The patient is the record of treatment. This is an extensive joint undertaking with the patient in the search for improved health and function. Dr. Ryback focuses on physical health, wellness, nutrition, and acts as a personal mental health coach in a no rush on demand relationship. Services are easily obtained, and provided either in person, or via various forms of Telepsychiatry in a fee for service or contractual manner. Dr. Ryback is most easily accessible for discussion about the services needed by leaving a voicemail at 239-799-5933 or through an email to rsryback@gmail.com.

3. Problems addressed with the patient include attention disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, trauma base disorders, addiction and substance abuse disorders, adolescent and adult Asperger patients, traumatic brain injury difficulties, self mutilation, psychosis, phobias, and others.

4. Treatments available include all those available through the Mindful Health Foundation, as well as incremental psychopharmacology involving, educating, informing the patient directly at each step of the way toward improvement. Suboxone for addiction, ketamine for depression, and propranolol for phobias, prazosin for PTSD and other evidence based treatments. are available.

Contact Ralph Ryback
Tel: 239-799-5933

Ralph Ryback, Psychiatrist Naples Florida

He does not believe that does not live according to his belief.
~Sigmund Freud

"A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." - Marcus Aurelius